Crimmins Title offers these loan preparation tools and information to help you prepare for your residential or commercial loan closing.

Our Closing Cost Estimator is for estimating purposes only. The costs for a closing can vary widely due to different fees, charges, and expenses associated with a specific loan and property. This should only be used as an estimate. It is always best to rely on a Licensed Settlement professional who can provide you with the most accurate closing charges and fees.

Along with making the loan closing as easy as possible, Crimmins Title strives to help you and your customer understand the terms used in the process.

We have gathered these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Title Searches, Title Insurance, Escrow and Loan Closings.


A.  Owner's title insurance protects purchasers of real estate against title defects that may exist against the property. Lenders, or mortgagee, title insurance insures the lender as to the priority of its lien, meaning there are no other mortgages, liens or judgments recorded prior to their mortgage.